Ban Ki Moon, UN Sec. Gen
UNICEF is to inject about $4.3 billion for the funding of children health across the globe. The fund Executive Director Anthony Lake, who spoke at the GAVI pledging conference in Copenhagen , Denmark, noted that the funds will help in redoubling the effort of agencies so as to improve on the health of children globally.
He said: “The outcome of this pledging conference is tremendous news as it will save million of lives of the most threatened children in the hardest to reach part of the world.”
UNICEF, a member of GAVI , supplies about 60 per cent of the world’s children vaccines, purchasing close to 2.53 billion doses of traditional and new vaccines put at $750 million
Meanwhile, as the world celebrates Blood Donors Day, a group, Voluntary Blood Donors Club of Nigeria (VBDCN) yesterday in Abuja urged President Goodluck Jonathan to put more effort in ensuring that attention and awareness on blood nation is created.
In a statement made available to THISDAY, the group said the country must put in place standard facilities in order for Nigerians to stop multiplication of Transfusion Transmission Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis so that blood recipients will have more life after getting the blood.
The statement signed by the club Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Obeta Uchejeso stated that “It is no longer news that many up till now are still infected after blood transfusion especially in remote areas and where the standard practices of blood transfusion are not yet practiced. The fears of window period are another monster of our time and no wonder the safe live styles such as safe sex, abstinence from sharing of blood and blood products and drugs are highly advocated.”
The group further called on the president to emulate the past president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in the aspect of blood safety which he demonstrated when he donated blood on the 12th May, 2005 during the commissioning of the blood donation apex body in Nigeria .
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